Ryan Robinson

Ryan Robinson BA (Hons) Animation 2020

Hello there, my name is Ryan Robinson.

Throughout my life I have enjoyed the wild and bold Japanese art of animation and I feel that this has shown me the zenith of the medium and I feel that this is evident in my own work. In contrast, I have also looked to the classic works of Disney animation as these works have a timeless influence on several generations and have shown me the importance of subtle character expression. Both of these are styles which I hope to embody and which I have tried to emulate in my work to date.

With Icarus I was offered the opportunity to indulge in the Japanese style of animation, creating explosive sci-fi action with powerful vibrant visual effects. Whereas with Overgrown I was given the role to create subtle character animation, providing a narrative told through gesture and expression in the smallest of details.

 I’m a hardworking passionate graduate with a drive for animation and creativity. My main areas of interest are with 2D animation, storyboarding and directing. My ambition in future is to prove myself as a director, in order to contribute to this creative world that keeps changing, by providing some unique laughs and memorable moments.

The Dancer
Bobbed Hair
Batman and Robin
Train Ride
Hikari Character Design 1
Hikari Character Design 2
Hikari Character Design 3
Icarus Short Film Trailer / Overgrown Short Film Trailer
Character Animation Showreel
VFX Showreel