Brigitte Spencer

Brigitte Spencer BA (Hons) Filmmaking 2020

My name is Brigitte and I am a filmmaker based in Manchester, England. I've known I wanted to work in the film industry since I was aged 14, when I began editing short videos for Youtube. Eventually, I developed an interest in photography and realised I really enjoy capturing my own physical shots. This interest turned to cinematography, which has since become my greatest passion. I have experimented a lot with using analogue film, as-well as recently working as director of photography on a 16mm short film (still in post-production) called Dead in the Water. I work with both analogue and digital formats, creating films ranging from art projects to narrative short films and music videos. My most recent film Seagull is a film that I made during the 2020 Lockdown. This is a documentary about how seven siblings remember their childhood and the way they feel their grandparents have impacted their lives.

I have been very fortunate to have made many contacts throughout my time at university, which has presented opportunities for me to work on a variety of productions. I've worked as a Camera Trainee on several short films which have been featured at festivals such as London Short film festival and Aesthetica Short film festival. I have also worked as a camera operator, runner and other roles in many other types of projects such as classical music performances, school shows and adverts.

On set for the film 'Dead in the water' Directed by Meltem Yalçin
Dale Tyers - Half Life (Official Video)