Jonathan Banks BA (Hons) Filmmaking 2020
BANKSIE is a freelance, internationally recognised queer performer and artist working within the city of Manchester.
I began my journey in film and creative media from a young age , however, as I began to develop my filmmaking degree, I was able to really specialise in an art style that I believe to be marketable on a broad level.I specialise in fashion and experimental film with my heart strongly footed in queer identity. As a queer person myself I feel I am able to create a narrative that opens peoples points of view.
My passion for gender education reaches across multiple disciplines, from film and performance art to fashion and experimental media.I have used my experiences in different work and art environments rot really become a well rounded artist.
I am trained in multiple creative cloud programs such as photoshop, premiere pro, illustrator and indesign as well as being able to function with practical media making devices such as 32mm, DV tape and super 8 film production.
If you have any questions or collaboration opportunities, please don't hesitate to drop me an email in the box at the bottom of the page.