Luke Strugnell O'Donnell BA (Hons) Fine Art and Art History 2020
Over the past year I have become increasingly interested in the possibilities afforded by utilising digital tools in my work. I began with a series of creative coding experiments using the program language. Looking to push my practice further I began to examine the exciting field of artificial intelligence as a way to create original works. Through this I also hope to challenge the mainstream market dominance of traditional art forms such canvases and mantle-ready sculptures whose popularity seemed to be led by marketability more than anything. The specific kind of artificial intelligence I utilised to create the works are called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). These allowed me to 'fuse' a collection of images together; how exactly they are fused is worked out by the algorithm, which produces the rather alien quality you see with the images. As for the theme of the images themselves, I see them as utopic depictions of figures and landscapes of a future society constructed purely from digital images.