Eszter Lukacs BA (Hons) Interior Design 2020
Best in Show: Winner 2020
Judge's comment...'very confident and successful banner, shows level of interior detail and understanding of materiality, whilst maintaining strong conceptual underpinning...'.
My personal design principles explore conceptuality and visual communication in relation to current issues that surround us. Therefore creating a space that incorporates the importance of mental health is an essential part of my Final Major Project. Within design, my main focus is on exploring the concept and understanding the users’ needs of a space through different techniques, such as drawing, writing, collaging and physical experimentation.
The brief aims to respond to a problem that affects many; the battle with self-harming thoughts and depressive mental habits. The scheme was created with the intention to provide an escape, a hiding spot where all visitors can feel safe while learning how to cope with mental difficulties. The concept carefully handles the typical meaning of ‘therapy’ or ‘patient’, as this isn’t a traditional approach to curing mental illnesses. While the concept recognises various methods and ways to help individuals fight these difficulties, it puts an emphasis on boosting creativity within each and every individual. The space encourages the visitors to adopt new habits that lead to self-helping methods, which can be taken away and be continued after leaving the space.
Metanoia provides the possibility to plant new habits of mindfulness and organisation into the life of young professionals, and helps those, who are finding the mental transition from childhood to adulthood difficult. The concept is built on six key elements: sound, light, challenges, calligraphy, community and gardening. Through the therapeutic power of calligraphy, writing and gardening, the space will teach the visitors to face mental difficulties and to achieve a balanced lifestyle. Metanoia offers different creative programs, such as learning calligraphy and lettering, and provides spaces that stimulate the brain through challenging the mind and body, and encourages success with the help of lighting and sound.