Thomas Gladstone

Thomas Gladstone BA (Hons) Three Dimensional Design 2020

As a student of design, I have become aware of the need for industrial countries to move from a liner to a circular economy.  I have recognised this through; discussions, engaging with published literature about the subject, watching and reading countless reports about climate change in the media and recognising a definite ‘shift’ in consumer values. We have seen an increased awareness from members of the public to reuse, repair and recycle unwanted products. This consumer ‘push’ has driven government and local authorities to respond and provide improved facilities where unwanted items can be exchanged or ‘up cycled’ as well as recycled. Also, consumer refusal to buy goods that overuse materials has forced manufacturers to re-think the way that they design and manufacture products.

They have had to produce products with a reduced number of components and employ manufacturing processes which require less energy to make something. They must try to source raw materials that are more sustainable and where possible, harvested locally to their manufacturing facility to eliminate excessive fuel consumption.

Within this context it was the word ‘value’ that became the initial focus that would help to establish my creative agenda. In particular, the meaning of ‘value’ within design, manufacturing (including the use of materials) and consumerism.  Through the project I wanted to assess how consumers attached value to the products they acquired and how the many ways ‘value’ could be perceived, and how this might, influence consumer choice and selection.

In summary the concept for my project should encompass all the ‘values’ defined. It should allow end user interaction, use sustainable materials, have a desirable aesthetic, work well and be useful. This design criteria will ensure that the end user will appreciate is ‘value’ and give longevity to the product as part of a more circular economy.

I set out to engage people with the process of creating your own essential oil. Using this process to utilise the waste ingredients left over from cooking as well encouraging people to go outside and to find their own.

I have created an engaging beautiful product which could allow the end user to form there own emotional durability and a personal form of value, through not only repetitive use but also by giving them the ability to create something unique to them in the scope of this chosen process. In tests the product preformed well and met the needs and requirements of my brief.
My aim is to create ethical design that is calming and has a positive impact on our lives. My intentions to create one display, of a collection of unique and individual diffuser forms, to engage the public in an “evolution” of my organically inspired design, for the purposes of creative advertising. Understanding that smell is our strongest sense in relation to our memories, we feel it would be exciting to explore this by creating a visual piece that communicates this. 
Inspired by lavender and the idea of hidden particle movement from aromas in the air, I wanted to respond by adding movement into the visual part of the experience. The reed diffuser is inspired by the form of lavender and the texture by what would be found from the cells of lavender under a microscope. 
I have spent this year developing a ‘make it at home’ fragrance making apparatus. Using this equipment, I will create my own aroma.
I wanted to use ceramic to make my reed diffuser. Through research of existing reed diffusers I felt that this could be a beautiful celebrated part of the equipment and as I could continue to merge my understanding of 3D printed forms that would capture the natural beauty of nature.  This also could be made from the natural and sustainable material of clay.



I was able to receive the fabrication of the glass components form a specialist who works with borosilicate and was able through outsourcing the parts, to fuse together to my design specification.
Tom Gladstone- About me
Casscade Project
Alemrig TG