Jack Owen

Jack Owen BA (Hons) Animation 2020

Hey! I’m Jack, an animator an illustrator from Anglesey.

The work I’m showing here includes a showreel of character animation I’ve done over the last year, some art – character turnarounds, designs and concept art – and the teaser trailer for my team and I’s film, “One Quiet Day”.

I conceptualised “One Quiet Day” and am currently directing the team and working towards finishing the film. One Quiet Day is, at its core, a story about the concept of found family that is cherished in the queer community. Adrian, a Dwarf in a terrible living situation who’s constantly put down by those who are supposed to be caring for him finds the confidence in himself to escape, pushed lightly along by Lotir – a charismatic and confident Elf who lives unapologetically as himself.

The world that the story is set in is a fantasy one. Fantasy is generally used as a softer lens to view the harshness of our reality, but I like to tear that lens down. While my film has a very much fantasy-based world, the harshness of what the characters face is very real is a direct parallel to many peoples’ experiences in reality.

I find a lot of joy in character design, writing and storyboarding for animation and I hope to find a job in these areas in the future and I’m excited to share One Quiet Day and other projects with audiences in the near future.

I hope you enjoy what you see!

Character turnarounds for the film "One Quiet Day".
Storybeats for the film "One Quiet Day".
Concept art featuring Lotir and Adrian.
Markus and Dahlia.
The Tavern Band.
Groe and Cern.
Groe and Laewyn.
Design Sheet - Thelisa
Design Sheet - Groe
Design Sheet - Ansley
Jack Owen - Animation Showreel
One Quiet Day - Teaser