Lovish Saini

Lovish Saini BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2020

Lovish Saini is a self-proclaimed creative criminal, and creative at StudioRüffian. With a background in Art-Direction, Print and Digital Design, and a love for punk, and DIY culture. Lovish is pushing what it means to be a "designer" in the modern-day. 

His recent projects have ranged from working with People's History Museum on two interactive exhibitions, Working as the lead designer for Shockout Art's Degree Show and public speaking at PechaKucha and Fuse Directory’s “Speak Up”.

SCUM is a publication formed as a direct response to the police brutality and inequality, which has time and time again been brought to light through the #blacklivesmatter movement.

In a critical moment in time the publication was aimed to provide information to those looking to learn more about the issues at hand and the solutions that can help an end to systemetic inquality.
SCUM is a publication formed as a direct response to the police brutality and inequality, which has time and time again been brought to light through the #blacklivesmatter movement.

In a critical moment in time the publication was aimed to provide information to those looking to learn more about the issues at hand and the solutions that can help an end to systemetic inquality.
School of Bored is an interactive twitter bot, created as a tool to help people stay creative within lockdown. The project aims to create a virtual university setting where your tutor; Ms Artbott set’s daily, 5 - 15 minute briefs for you to challenge yourself creatively and engage with a likeminded community.

The bot is build using tracery.js, a simple text-generative tool as well as occasional manual input.
School of Bored is an interactive twitter bot, created as a tool to help people stay creative within lockdown. The project aims to create a virtual university setting where your tutor; Ms Artbott set’s daily, 5 - 15 minute briefs for you to challenge yourself creatively and engage with a likeminded community.

The bot is build using tracery.js, a simple text-generative tool as well as occasional manual input.
PechaKucha Manchester, is an event curating inspiring talks from Manchester creatives using the 20x20 format: 20 images, 20 seconds per image.

I was approached by Kyle Soo of PechaKucha Manchester, to design the programme for their 28th event in collaboration with People’s History Museum as part of their Radical Lates series; The event was themed “Rebellion” in commemoration of the Peterloo Massacre.
PechaKucha Manchester, is an event curating inspiring talks from Manchester creatives using the 20x20 format: 20 images, 20 seconds per image.

I was approached by Kyle Soo of PechaKucha Manchester, to design the programme for their 28th event in collaboration with People’s History Museum as part of their Radical Lates series; The event was themed “Rebellion” in commemoration of the Peterloo Massacre.
AutoMailed is an experimental project creating generative abstract art. Created using OpenProcessing, the simple programme first randomly generates a shape which is then processed to create a variable pattern. A gradient is then applied to the generated shapes and post-processed through a script to apply the half-tone effect.
AutoMailed is an experimental project creating generative abstract art. Created using OpenProcessing, the simple programme first randomly generates a shape which is then processed to create a variable pattern. A gradient is then applied to the generated shapes and post-processed through a script to apply the half-tone effect.
The Daydream is an interactive Instagram filter created using Spark AR, taking inspiration from artists such as René Magritte and Danny Jones.

Upon release, the filter was interacted with over 1.1k times within 24 hours. 

You can find it on instagram @misterruffian