Kanika Sukhadia

Kanika Sukhadia BA (Hons) Textiles in Practice 2020

Textiles are a part of everybody’s daily lives. They are, however, intrinsic to Indian and Thai culture, forming a basis from which societal positions, wealth, and religious standing is garnered. The patterns, colours and extravagant embellishments are inextricably linked in both cultures, allowing me to appreciate the detail in their work with their unique compositions and style. I have a good eye for colour, pattern and textures which probably stems from growing up in a household full of decorative art, filled with vibrant colours and intricate stitching and beading, found within my Hindu and Buddist background. 

 I use my embroidery as a way of embellishment but I also use it to draw, I let the thread do its work and the needle takes me to where it wants to go. My strength is in my abstract drawings and then turning them into unique pieces of handmade work, which can be used in fashion or as artworks.

 My dream of becoming a textile artist/ designer sees me incorporating the delicate embroidery and patterns of what I see and find beautiful in my life, shared through contemporary embroidery and mixed media art.

Chinatown always brings people together from all around the world to appreciate the beauty, culture and food. My first art project ever was inspired by the Chinatown at home in Bangkok and now my last project is inspired by Chinatown in Manchester, New York and Bangkok. My project is about how Chinatown's unique sight, sound and smells provides an adventure for everyone.

Secondly, for my SDC colour and thhe universe brief, my aim was to raise awareness throuh abstract work, ithh hthe human development and climate change that has led to the river I live on (Chaopraya river) to become more polluted over the years.

Colour and the Universe

My aim for thhis unit was to raise awareness through abstract work,with the human development and climate change that has lead to the river I live on (Chaopraya river) to become more polluted over the years.
Looking at the change and shifts of our rivers, especially with urbanisation and climate change and how our rivers have been changed by human actions.
Chinatown has always brought people together from all around the world to appreciate the beauty, culture and food. My first art project ever was inspired by the Chinatown at home in Bangkok and now my last project in my BA is inspired by Chinatown in Manchester, New York and Bangkok. My project is about how Chinatown’s unique sight, sound and smells provides an adventure as it is a popular tourist attraction found worldwide.
A3 textile piece using stitch as embellishments and hand embroidery, experienting with colour.
 A3 Mixed media digital print of my painting, including the embellisher machine and handwork
Combining the natural and the man-made
Timelapse embroidery
Timelapse painting