Katie Nolan BA (Hons) Textiles in Practice 2020
My work has been focused on issues that exist within the textile and fashion industries — particularly their impact on the environment — and exploring potential solutions. Having researched the impact of the industry on the environment I was shocked and felt I had a responsibility as a designer to do something to raise awareness.
I primarily used embroidery and illustration to do this, but I also enjoyed playing with 3D materials and photography to convey my ideas.
My final project was focused on finding use for scrap materials. I practiced traditional techniques such as patchwork and quilting. It was really important for my work to have function, so I used these techniques to develop materials to be used for home furnishings.
Alongside this, I practiced mending techniques. The project was focused on changing our attitudes towards clothing. The act of mending develops our relationship with the garment, making it special and therefore something we won't dispose of, as well as dramatically increasing the lifespan of our clothes.
I also produced a risograph leaflet documenting the lifecycle of a cotton T-shirt.
The intention of this piece is to make consumers aware of the process their garment has gone through, creating a level of respect for it. My theory is that if consumers are encouraged to recognise what it takes to produce their clothes, they will keep them for longer, buy more consciously, and avoid fast fashion.
Having been accepted on to the Chelsea Collage of Arts MA Textile Design course at, which has a heavy focus on sustainability, I am looking forward to continuing to develop my interest in this field. I hope to strengthen my skills and knowledge through research and take this forward into my future career as a designer.