Hannah Rachel Amy Gell

Hannah Rachel Amy Gell BA (Hons) Three Dimensional Design 2020

By studying at the Manchester School of Art I have begun developing a portfolio of work, which showcases my practice of being a mixed media designer-maker. This body of work shows the various skills and techniques I have developed, which often depend on the type of work I am creating, this can range from resin and metal work to textiles, glass and ceramics - creating work which goes from contemporary wearables to vessels and obje d art. My work overall is quite conceptual and often explores hidden messages, meanings and stories. These are often linked either to personal subjects or to subjects that I feel a connection with and believe are important issues that need to be highlighted and addressed – these have included  age related memory issues as well as illnesses like (Dementia and Alzheimer's) which are the topics I’m currently working on - other issues I have  work on in the past have linked to things such as: mental health and well-being and ocean pollution (to name a few).  Before I begin any of my physical creative processes, I first start by gathering research into elements such as context, existing materials and processes from both the past and the present. I then use this research to inform which materials and processes would best suit the type of work I want to produce, this then in turn informs rest of my creative process such as designing, further material explorations and lastly my end results. When working on any project, whatever the material/process is, the aspect I enjoy the most is the physical making of the work. I just love being able to use my hands in order to develop my existing skills, techniques and knowledge as well as explore new ways of working that I have never tried before.

2020 Unit X Festival in Association with
Benzie Vertical Gallery
Preserving Memory 
How Art and Design can help preserve memories to help aid with issues such as age related forgetfulness to serious illnesses like Dementia and Alzheimer's
 Mural Visualisation of a Gallery Set-Up 
12 Ceramic Transferred Tile Gradient Crab Claw Tile Mural 

Materials: Ceramic and Digital Ceramic Transferred tiles on painted wooden plinth
2020 Unit X Festival in Association with
Benzie Vertical Gallery
Preserving Memory 
How Art and Design can help preserve memories to help aid with issues such as age related forgetfulness to serious illnesses like Dementia and Alzheimer's
 Mural Visualisation of a Gallery Set-Up 
24  Ceramic Transferred Tile Merged Crab Claw Tile Mural 

Materials: Ceramic and Digital Ceramic Transferred tiles on wooden painted plinth
2020 Unit X Festival in Association with
Benzie Vertical Gallery
Preserving Memory 
How Art and Design can help preserve memories to help aid with issues such as age related forgetfulness to serious illnesses like Dementia and Alzheimer's
Visualisation of a 12 Ceramic Transferred Tile Mural Layout
Basic Crab Claw Tile Mural 

Materials: Ceramic and Digital Ceramic Transfer paper
 2020 Unit X Festival in Association with
Benzie Vertical Gallery
Preserving Memory 
How Art and Design can help preserve memories to help aid with issues such as age related forgetfulness to serious illnesses like Dementia and Alzheimer's
Visualisation of a 12 Ceramic Transferred Tile Mural Layout
Merged Crab Claw Tile Mural 

Materials: Ceramic and Digital Ceramic Transfer paper
 2020 Unit X Festival in Association with
Benzie Vertical Gallery
Preserving Memory 
How Art and Design can help preserve memories to help aid with issues such as age related forgetfulness to serious illnesses like Dementia and Alzheimer's
Visualisation of a 24 Ceramic Transferred Tile Mural Layout
Basic Crab Claw Tile Mural 

Materials: Ceramic and Digital Ceramic Transfer paper
2020 Unit X Festival in Association with
Benzie Vertical Gallery
Preserving Memory 
How Art and Design can help preserve memories to help aid with issues such as age related forgetfulness to serious illnesses like Dementia and Alzheimer's
Visualisation of a 24 Ceramic Transferred Tile Mural Layout
Gradient Crab Claw Tile Mural 

Materials: Ceramic and Digital Ceramic Transfer paper
2019 Group Pod Collaboration
 last years Unit X Festival Project in Association with the Whitworth Art Gallery.

Image shows our group display for our DIY Wearable Kit, which aims to help promote the gallery's ethos and schemes related to Mental Health and Well-Being

Crochet insert with jump-ring, Crochet Porcelain Slip-cast, necklace cord
Group Members: Hannah Gell, Rachel Penfold, Sasha Ray and Beck Banks
2019 New Life to Old Objects
Understanding Context
 creating work for a GNCCF brief 
Resin Jewellery Collection based around ideas of our modern attitudes to waste, the changing values of object and sentimentality and nostalgia in the modern age

Image shows: Resin LEGO studs that have pink sweet wrappers embedded into them
2018 Preserving The Past
Tradition and Innovation
Materials: Resin, Ceramic, Sea Glass and Brass Necklace 
Based around the ideas of using modern materials like resin to preserve objects from the past that people most likely have both collective and personal memories such as blue and white ceramics
2017 Pois[s]on Platters
Materials: Ivory Stoneware, Ironoxide stain and clear glaze

Ceramic Food Platters - Inspired by the theme of ocean and waterways pollution specifically plastic pollution and the effect that it is having on not only our marine life such as fish and marine birds but also the fact this pollution is starting to leak its way into our human food chain. The idea was to find a stark way to remind people of the impact we are having on not only our planet, wildlife and environment but also on ourselves